Quickly History CleanerQuick History Clear1 click to clear search history and all cached files.This app can erase history data and appscache on your p
Quickly History Cleaner
Quick History Clear
1 click to clear search history and all cached files.
This app can erase history data and apps'cache on your phone, delete your search history (web history,Maps History, Earth History, YOUTUBE History clipboard data, market history,gmail history etc).
Internal memory is precious.You can get more available storage space by clearing cache/data files with this app.
★1 click to clear all cached files(cache cleaner).
★Clear Browser History/Web History
★Clear Google Maps Search History
★Clear Google Earth Search History
★Clear Gmail Search History
★Clear Android Market Search History
★Clear YOUTUBE Search History
★Clear Clipboard Data
1 touch to clear search history and all cached files.
Get more available space.No root permission required.
This app is useful to anyone who has memory management issues,specifically when you are running out of application storage.
Make your phone faster、smoother.cleanup your phone. free up memory, free up space. As the best history eraser and android assistant.
1 tap to clear search history and all cached files.